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Our Products

Below are some of the products that are developed by us. These are developed under different service models like Exclusive Device (ED), Ready to Commercialize (RtC), Off the Shelf (OtS), etc. If you are interested in any product please send us an inquiry to know more details.

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SwiftJect Platform
for Reusable & Single-use PFS Auto-Injectors

PFS Auto-Injector Product

Cartridge Auto-Injector
with isolated floating needle technology

Cartridge Auto Injector Product

Micro-PFS Needle Safety System
for high viscous medications

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ShieldJect Platform:
Needle Safety System for standard PFS


FixJect Platform
for fixed dose Pen-injectors


VariJect Platform
for Reusable & Single-use variable dose Pen-Injectors

MicroPFS Platform
for injecting highly viscous medications


InsuPress Platform
for Reusable & Single-use on-body injectors

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Ocular Implant delivery Device
for intravitreal injection applications

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Intradermal Injector
for vaccination applications


Needle-in-Needle System
for dermal filler injection applications

Apart from the above devices, there are more devices in our portfolio.

Connect with us for your requirements.

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